Here are the standard international call rates for our prepaid recharges. Find your recharge from the list below to see the corresponding international call rates. These rates are subject to change, so it’s best to check the page before calling. If you’re on a postpaid plan, check out our plan call rates support page.
Selected Prepaid Plus and Combo Plus recharges come with included standard international minutes from Australia to selected countries.
International Talk Zone 1 countries
Our $35, $45, and $55 Prepaid Plus and $30, $40, $50 and $60 Combo Plus recharges come with standard international minutes from Australia to Zone 1 countries. These countries are Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Germany, Guam, Hong Kong, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Mexico, Mongolia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Puerto Rico, Romania, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Spain Canary Islands, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, the United States of America and the Vatican (Holy See).
International Talk Zone 2 countries
Our $45 and $55 Prepaid Plus and $40, $50 and $60 Combo Plus recharges also come with standard international minutes from Australia to Zone 2 countries. These countries may change from time to time, so it’s important to check that your chosen country is included before making a call.
Andorra |
Guadeloupe |
Philippines |
Argentina |
Guatemala |
Poland |
Austria |
Portugal |
Bahrain |
Hungary |
Reunion |
Russia |
Belgium |
San Marino |
Bermuda |
Saudi Arabia |
Bolivia |
Kazakhstan |
Slovakia |
South Africa |
Brunei |
Laos |
Cambodia |
Lebanon |
Cayman Islands |
Luxembourg |
Sri Lanka |
Macau |
Swaziland |
Malta |
Costa Rica |
Cyprus |
Mozambique |
Czechia |
Namibia |
Türkiye |
Denmark |
Nepal |
Turkmenistan |
Dominican Republic |
United Arab Emirates |
Egypt |
Northern Mariana Islands |
Uruguay |
Faroe islands |
Pakistan |
Venezuela |
France |
Panama |
Vietnam |
Gibraltar |
Paraguay |
Greece |
Here are the selected countries for the Talk Combo recharge.
1000 standard international minutes from Australia to 15 selected countries.
The $40 Talk Combo recharge come with 1000 standard international minutes from Australia to 15 selected destinations. These destinations are Bangladesh, Canada, China, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, India, New Zealand, Romania, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, United Kingdom and the United States of America.
1000 standard international minutes from Australia to 25 selected countries.
The $50 and $60 Talk Combo recharge come with 1000 standard international minutes from Australia to 25 selected destinations. These destinations are Argentina, Bangladesh, Canada, China, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Puerto Rico, Romania, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom and the United States of America.
90 or 120 standard international minutes from Australia to selected countries.
$40 and above Talk Combo recharges come with either 90 or 120 standard international minutes. Here are the countries.
Argentina | India | Portugal |
Austria | Indonesia | Puerto Rico |
Bangladesh | Ireland | Romania |
Bermuda | Israel | Russia |
Brazil | Italy | Singapore |
Brunei | Japan | South Africa |
Cambodia | Kuwait | South Korea |
Canada | Laos | Spain |
Chile | Malaysia | Canary Islands |
China | Mexico | Sweden |
Colombia | Netherlands | Taiwan |
Costa Rica | New Zealand | Thailand |
Dominican Republic | Nigeria | Türkiye |
Finland | Northern Marianas Islands | UK |
France | Norway | USA |
Germany | Pakistan | Vatican City |
Greece | Paraguay | Venezuela |
Guam | Peru | Vietnam |
Hong Kong | Philippines | |
Iceland | Poland |
Unlimited international standard calls
With our special offer, you have unlimited international standard calls to these 15 countries. These countries are subject to change.
India |
Canada |
Ireland |
China |
Malaysia |
Germany |
New Zealand |
South Korea |
Japan |
United States of America |
Singapore |
Norway |
United Kingdom |
Hong Kong |
Mexico |
Here are our international call rates for our prepaid recharges.
For Prepaid Plus, Combo Plus, Talk Combo and MyMix, these rates apply if you use all of your included minutes to the selected countries or if you want to call a country that’s not included. View your included countries for Prepaid Plus, Combo Plus, Talk Combo and MyMix.
You’ll need My Credit to make international calls with these rates.
Country | Rate per 60 secs |
Afghanistan (+93) | $0.50 |
Albania (+355) | $1.00 |
Algeria (+213) | $0.80 |
American Samoa (+1-684) | $1.30 |
Andorra (+376) | $0.30 |
Angola (+244) | $0.25 |
Anguilla (+1-264) | $0.80 |
Antarctica (+672) | $2.50 |
Antigua and Barbuda (+1-268) | $0.60 |
Argentina (+54) | $0.25 |
Armenia (+374) | $0.80 |
Aruba (+297) | $0.80 |
Ascension (+247) | $2.00 |
Austria (+43) | $0.08 |
Azerbaijan (+994) | $0.80 |
Bahamas (+1-242) | $0.80 |
Bahrain (+973) | $0.15 |
Bangladesh (+880) | $0.06 |
Barbados (+1-246) | $0.60 |
Belarus (+375) | $1.50 |
Belgium (+32) | $0.15 |
Belize (+501) | $0.80 |
Benin (+229) | $0.80 |
Bermuda (+1-441) | $0.10 |
Bhutan (+975) | $0.35 |
Bolivia (+591) | $0.30 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina (+387) | $0.50 |
Botswana (+267) | $0.50 |
Brazil (+55) | $0.20 |
Brunei (+673) | $0.10 |
Bulgaria (+359) | $0.80 |
Burkina Faso (+226) | $0.80 |
Burundi (+257) | $1.30 |
Cambodia (+855) | $0.15 |
Cameroon (+237) | $0.35 |
Canada (+1) | $0.03 |
Cape Verde (+238) | $0.80 |
Cayman Islands (+1-345) | $0.80 |
Central African Republic (+236) | $1.50 |
Chad (+235) | $1.50 |
Chile (+56) | $0.08 |
China (+86) | $0.02 |
Colombia (+57) | $0.08 |
Comoros (+269) | $1.00 |
Congo (+242) | $1.20 |
Cook Islands (+682) | $2.00 |
Costa Rica (+506) | $0.20 |
Croatia (+385) | $0.80 |
Cuba (+53) | $1.80 |
Curacao (+599) | $1.50 |
Cyprus (+357) | $0.25 |
Czechia (+420) | $0.30 |
Denmark (+45) | $0.80 |
Diego Garcia (+246) | $2.00 |
Djibouti (+253) | $0.70 |
Dominica (+1-767) | $1.20 |
Dominican Republic (+1-809, +1-829, +1-849) | $0.20 |
East Timor (+670) | $3.00 |
Ecuador (+593) | $0.80 |
Egypt (+20) | $0.30 |
El Salvador (+503) | $0.50 |
Equatorial Guinea (+240) | $0.80 |
Eritrea (+291) | $0.50 |
Estonia (+372) | $1.00 |
Ethiopia (+251) | $0.60 |
Falkland Islands (+500) | $1.80 |
Faroe Islands (+298) | $0.80 |
Fiji (+679) | $0.45 |
Finland (+358) | $0.20 |
France (+33) | $0.08 |
French Guiana (+594) | $0.80 |
French Polynesia (+689) | $1.00 |
Gabon (+241) | $0.80 |
Gambia (+220) | $3.50 |
Georgia (+995) | $1.50 |
Germany (+49) | $0.05 |
Ghana (+233) | $0.60 |
Gibraltar (+350) | $0.80 |
Greece (+30) | $0.08 |
Greenland (+299) | $1.20 |
Grenada (+1-473) | $0.80 |
Guadeloupe (+590) | $0.80 |
Guam (+1-671) | $0.10 |
Guantanamo Bay (+5399) | $3.00 |
Guatemala (+502) | $1.00 |
Guinea (+224) | $1.00 |
Guinea-Bissau (+245) | $1.30 |
Guyana (+592) | $1.00 |
Haiti (+509) | $0.80 |
Honduras (+504) | $0.80 |
Hong Kong (+852) | $0.04 |
Hungary (+36) | $0.30 |
Iceland (+354) | $0.10 |
India (+91) | $0.03 |
Indonesia (+62) | $0.11 |
Inmarsat (+870) | $13.75 |
Iran (+98) | $0.35 |
Iraq (+964) | $0.50 |
Ireland (+353) | $0.20 |
Israel (+972) | $0.10 |
Italy (+39) | $0.25 |
Ivory coast (Cote DIvoire) (+225) | $3.00 |
Jamaica (+1-876) | $1.00 |
Japan (+81) | $0.15 |
Jordan (+962) | $0.25 |
Kazakhstan (+7) | $0.20 |
Kenya (+254) | $0.25 |
Kiribati (+686) | $2.50 |
Korea, North (DPRK) (+850) | $0.80 |
Korea, South (+82) | $0.04 |
Kuwait (+965) | $0.20 |
Kyrgyzstan (+996) | $0.50 |
Laos (+856) | $0.20 |
Latvia (+371) | $1.30 |
Lebanon (+961) | $0.30 |
Lesotho (+266) | $1.00 |
Liberia (+231) | $0.80 |
Libya (+218) | $0.80 |
Liechtenstein (+423) | $2.40 |
Lithuania (+370) | $1.50 |
Luxembourg (+352) | $0.20 |
Macau (+853) | $0.30 |
Macedonia (+389) | $0.60 |
Madagascar (+261) | $3.00 |
Malawi (+265) | $0.70 |
Malaysia (+60) | $0.04 |
Maldives (+960) | $2.00 |
Mali (+223) | $1.00 |
Malta (+356) | $0.80 |
Marshall Islands (+692) | $0.80 |
Martinique (+596) | $0.80 |
Mauritania (+222) | $1.00 |
Mauritius (+230) | $0.25 |
Mexico (+52) | $0.15 |
Micronesia (+691) | $1.20 |
Moldova (+373) | $1.20 |
Monaco (+377) | $0.80 |
Mongolia (+976) | $0.50 |
Montenegro (+382) | $0.80 |
Montserrat (+1-664) | $1.80 |
Morocco (+212) | $0.90 |
Mozambique (+258) | $0.80 |
Myanmar (+95) | $0.30 |
Namibia (+264) | $0.80 |
Nauru(+674) | $2.50 |
Nepal(+977) | $0.25 |
Netherlands(+31) | $0.10 |
New Caledonia(+687) | $0.50 |
New Zealand(+64) | $0.08 |
Nicaragua(+505) | $3.00 |
Niger(+227) | $1.00 |
Nigeria(+234) | $0.15 |
Niue(+683) | $3.50 |
Norfolk Island(+672) | $2.50 |
Northern Mariana Islands(+1-670) | $0.20 |
Norway(+47) | $0.10 |
Oman(+968) | $0.60 |
Pakistan(+92) | $0.05 |
Palau(+680) | $0.80 |
Palestinian Territory(+970) | $0.30 |
Panama(+507) | $0.30 |
Papua New Guinea(+675) | $1.00 |
Paraguay(+595) | $0.20 |
Peru(+51) | $0.20 |
Philippines(+63) | $0.21 |
Poland(+48) | $0.25 |
Portugal(+351) | $0.08 |
Puerto Rico(+1-787, +1-939) | $0.10 |
Qatar(+974) | $0.45 |
Reunion(+262) | $0.80 |
Romania(+40) | $0.09 |
Russia(+7) | $0.10 |
Rwanda(+250) | $0.70 |
Saint Helena(+290) | $2.75 |
Saint Kitts and Nevis(+1-869) | $0.80 |
Saint Lucia(+1-758) | $0.80 |
Saint Pierre & Miquelon(+508) | $0.02 |
Saint Vincent & The Grenadines(+1-784) | $3.00 |
Samoa(+685) | $1.50 |
San Marino(+378) | $1.25 |
Sao Tome and Principe(+239) | $3.00 |
Saudi Arabia(+966) | $0.18 |
Senegal(+221) | $0.90 |
Serbia(+381) | $0.70 |
Seychelles(+248) | $1.60 |
Sierra Leone(+232) | $1.20 |
Singapore(+65) | $0.02 |
Slovak Republic(+421) | $0.30 |
Slovenia(+386) | $0.80 |
Solomon Islands(+677) | $1.90 |
Somalia(+252) | $1.30 |
South Africa(+27) | $0.15 |
South Sudan(+211) | $0.75 |
Spain(+34) | $0.10 |
Sri Lanka(+94) | $0.25 |
Sudan(+249) | $0.35 |
Suriname(+597) | $0.80 |
Swaziland(+268) | $0.80 |
Sweden(+46) | $0.08 |
Switzerland(+41) | $0.30 |
Syria(+963) | $0.20 |
Taiwan(+886) | $1.40 |
Tajikistan(+992) | $1.50 |
Tanzania(+255) | $0.90 |
Thailand(+66) | $0.04 |
The Democratic Republic of Congo (+243) | $1.00 |
Togo(+228) | $0.80 |
Tokelau(+690) | $3.50 |
Tonga(+676) | $1.50 |
Trinidad and Tobago(+1-868) | $0.25 |
Tunisia(+216) | $1.30 |
Türkiye(+90) | $0.20 |
Turkmenistan(+993) | $0.40 |
Turks & Caicos Islands(+1-649) | $2.10 |
Tuvalu(+688) | $2.50 |
U.K(+44) | $0.08 |
U.S.A.(+1) | $0.03 |
UAE(+971) | $0.30 |
Uganda(+256) | $0.75 |
Ukraine(+380) | $0.60 |
Uruguay(+598) | $0.80 |
Uzbekistan(+998) | $0.15 |
Vanuatu(+678) | $1.80 |
Vatican City (Holy See)(+379) | $0.20 |
Venezuela(+58) | $0.08 |
Vietnam(+84) | $0.18 |
Virgin Islands (UK)(+1) | $3.00 |
Virgin Islands(USA)(+1) | $0.50 |
Wallis & Futuna Islands(+681) | $3.00 |
Yemen(+967) | $0.30 |
Zambia(+260) | $0.60 |
Zimbabwe(+263) | $0.35 |
Here are our rates for non-standard international calls for My Credit.
Country | Rate per 60 secs |
UK (+44) | $1.00 |
Here are our rates for standard international calls for Pay and Go.
Country | Rate per 60 secs |
Afghanistan (+93) | $0.50 |
Albania (+355) | $1.00 |
Algeria (+213) | $0.80 |
American Samoa (+1-684) | $1.30 |
Andorra (+376) | $0.35 |
Angola (+244) | $0.30 |
Anguilla (+1-264) | $0.80 |
Antarctica (+672) | $2.50 |
Antigua and Barbuda (+1-268) | $0.60 |
Argentina (+54) | $0.25 |
Armenia (+374) | $0.80 |
Aruba (+297) | $0.80 |
Ascension (+247) | $2.00 |
Austria (+43) | $0.20 |
Azerbaijan (+994) | $0.80 |
Bahamas (+1-242) | $0.80 |
Bahrain (+973) | $0.20 |
Bangladesh (+880) | $0.06 |
Barbados (+1-246) | $0.60 |
Belarus (+375) | $1.50 |
Belgium (+32) | $0.15 |
Belize (+501) | $0.80 |
Benin (+229) | $0.80 |
Bermuda (+1-441) | $0.15 |
Bhutan (+975) | $0.35 |
Bolivia (+591) | $0.30 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina (+387) | $0.50 |
Botswana (+267) | $0.50 |
Brazil (+55) | $0.20 |
Brunei (+673) | $0.10 |
Bulgaria (+359) | $0.80 |
Burkina Faso (+226) | $0.80 |
Burundi (+257) | $1.30 |
Cambodia (+855) | $0.15 |
Cameroon (+237) | $0.50 |
Canada (+1) | $0.03 |
Cape Verde (+238) | $0.80 |
Cayman Islands (+1-345) | $0.80 |
Central African Republic (+236) | $1.50 |
Chad (+235) | $1.50 |
Chile (+56) | $0.08 |
China (+86) | $0.02 |
Colombia (+57) | $0.08 |
Comoros (+269) | $1.25 |
Congo (+242) | $1.20 |
Cook Islands (+682) | $2.00 |
Costa Rica (+506) | $0.25 |
Croatia (+385) | $0.80 |
Cuba (+53) | $1.80 |
Curacao (+599) | $1.50 |
Cyprus (+357) | $0.25 |
Czechia (+420) | $0.30 |
Denmark (+45) | $0.80 |
Diego Garcia (+246) | $2.00 |
Djibouti (+253) | $0.70 |
Dominica (+1-767) | $1.20 |
Dominican Republic (+1-809, +1-829, +1-849) | $0.20 |
East Timor (+670) | $3.00 |
Ecuador (+593) | $0.80 |
Egypt (+20) | $0.30 |
El Salvador (+503) | $0.50 |
Equatorial Guinea (+240) | $0.80 |
Eritrea (+291) | $0.50 |
Estonia (+372) | $0.95 |
Ethiopia (+251) | $0.60 |
Falkland Islands (+500) | $1.90 |
Faroe Islands (+298) | $0.80 |
Fiji (+679) | $0.45 |
Finland (+358) | $0.20 |
France (+33) | $0.10 |
French Antilles (+596) | $0.80 |
French Guiana (+594) | $0.80 |
French Polynesia (+689) | $1.00 |
Gabon (+241) | $0.80 |
Gambia (+220) | $3.50 |
Georgia (+995) | $1.50 |
Germany (+49) | $0.09 |
Ghana (+233) | $0.60 |
Gibraltar (+350) | $0.80 |
Greece (+30) | $0.10 |
Greenland (+299) | $1.20 |
Grenada (+1-473) | $0.80 |
Guadeloupe (+590) | $0.80 |
Guam (+1-671) | $0.15 |
Guantanamo Bay (+5399) | $3.00 |
Guatemala (+502) | $1.00 |
Guinea (+224) | $1.00 |
Guinea-Bissau (+245) | $1.30 |
Guyana (+592) | $0.95 |
Haiti (+509) | $0.80 |
Honduras (+504) | $0.80 |
Hong Kong (+852) | $0.04 |
Hungary (+36) | $0.30 |
Iceland (+354) | $0.15 |
India (+91) | $0.03 |
Indonesia (+62) | $0.11 |
Iran (+98) | $0.35 |
Iraq (+964) | $0.50 |
Ireland (+353) | $0.15 |
Israel (+972) | $0.15 |
Italy (+39) | $0.25 |
Ivory coast (Cote DIvoire) (+225) | $3.00 |
Jamaica (+1-876) | $1.00 |
Japan (+81) | $0.15 |
Jordan (+962) | $0.25 |
Kazakhstan (+7) | $0.20 |
Kenya (+254) | $0.35 |
Kiribati (+686) | $2.50 |
Korea, North (DPRK) (+850) | $0.95 |
Korea, South (+82) | $0.04 |
Kuwait (+965) | $0.20 |
Kyrgyzstan (+996) | $0.50 |
Laos (+856) | $0.20 |
Latvia (+371) | $1.30 |
Lebanon (+961) | $0.30 |
Lesotho (+266) | $1.00 |
Liberia (+231) | $0.80 |
Libya (+218) | $0.80 |
Liechtenstein (+423) | $2.40 |
Lithuania (+370) | $1.50 |
Luxembourg (+352) | $0.25 |
Macau (+853) | $0.30 |
Macedonia (+389) | $0.60 |
Madagascar (+261) | $3.00 |
Malawi (+265) | $0.70 |
Malaysia (+60) | $0.04 |
Maldives (+960) | $2.00 |
Mali (+223) | $1.00 |
Malta (+356) | $0.80 |
Marshall Islands (+692) | $0.80 |
Martinique (+596) | $0.80 |
Mauritania (+222) | $1.00 |
Mauritius (+230) | $0.25 |
Mexico (+52) | $0.15 |
Micronesia (+691) | $1.20 |
Moldova (+373) | $0.90 |
Monaco (+377) | $0.80 |
Mongolia (+976) | $0.50 |
Montenegro (+382) | $0.85 |
Montserrat (+1-664) | $1.80 |
Morocco (+212) | $0.90 |
Mozambique (+258) | $0.80 |
Myanmar (+95) | $0.30 |
Namibia (+264) | $0.80 |
Nauru(+674) | $2.50 |
Nepal(+977) | $0.25 |
Netherlands(+31) | $0.10 |
New Caledonia(+687) | $0.50 |
New Zealand(+64) | $0.09 |
Nicaragua(+505) | $3.00 |
Niger(+227) | $1.00 |
Nigeria(+234) | $0.15 |
Niue(+683) | $3.50 |
Norfolk Island(+672) | $2.50 |
Northern Mariana Islands(+1-670) | $0.20 |
Norway(+47) | $0.10 |
Oman(+968) | $0.60 |
Pakistan(+92) | $0.09 |
Palau(+680) | $0.80 |
Palestinian Territory(+970) | $0.30 |
Panama(+507) | $0.30 |
Papua New Guinea(+675) | $1.15 |
Paraguay(+595) | $0.20 |
Peru(+51) | $0.20 |
Philippines(+63) | $0.21 |
Poland(+48) | $0.25 |
Portugal(+351) | $0.10 |
Puerto Rico(+1-787, +1-939) | $0.15 |
Qatar(+974) | $0.45 |
Reunion(+262) | $0.80 |
Romania(+40) | $0.09 |
Russia(+7) | $0.20 |
Rwanda(+250) | $0.70 |
Saint Helena(+290) | $2.75 |
Saint Kitts and Nevis(+1-869) | $0.80 |
Saint Lucia(+1-758) | $0.80 |
Saint Pierre & Miquelon(+508) | $0.02 |
Saint Vincent & The Grenadines(+1-784) | $3.00 |
Samoa(+685) | $1.50 |
San Marino(+378) | $1.25 |
Sao Tome and Principe(+239) | $3.00 |
Saudi Arabia(+966) | $0.18 |
Senegal(+221) | $0.90 |
Serbia(+381) | $0.70 |
Seychelles(+248) | $1.60 |
Sierra Leone(+232) | $1.20 |
Singapore(+65) | $0.02 |
Slovak Republic(+421) | $0.45 |
Slovenia(+386) | $0.80 |
Solomon Islands(+677) | $1.90 |
Somalia(+252) | $1.30 |
South Africa(+27) | $0.20 |
South Sudan(+211) | $0.75 |
Spain(+34) | $0.10 |
Sri Lanka(+94) | $0.25 |
Sudan(+249) | $0.35 |
Suriname(+597) | $0.80 |
Swaziland(+268) | $0.80 |
Sweden(+46) | $0.09 |
Switzerland(+41) | $0.30 |
Syria(+963) | $0.45 |
Taiwan(+886) | $1.40 |
Tajikistan(+992) | $1.50 |
Tanzania(+255) | $0.90 |
Thailand(+66) | $0.04 |
The Democratic Republic of Congo(+243) | $1.00 |
Togo(+228) | $0.80 |
Tokelau(+690) | $3.50 |
Tonga(+676) | $1.50 |
Trinidad and Tobago(+1-868) | $0.30 |
Tunisia(+216) | $1.30 |
Türkiye(+90) | $0.25 |
Turkmenistan(+993) | $0.40 |
Turks & Caicos Islands(+1-649) | $2.10 |
Tuvalu(+688) | $2.50 |
U.K(+44) | $0.09 |
U.S.A.(+1) | $0.03 |
UAE(+971) | $0.30 |
Uganda(+256) | $0.75 |
Ukraine(+380) | $0.60 |
Uruguay(+598) | $0.80 |
Uzbekistan(+998) | $0.20 |
Vanuatu(+678) | $1.80 |
Vatican City (Holy See)(+379) | $0.20 |
Venezuela(+58) | $0.10 |
Vietnam(+84) | $0.18 |
Virgin Islands (UK)(+1) | $3.00 |
Virgin Islands(USA)(+1) | $0.50 |
Wallis & Futuna Islands(+681) | $3.00 |
Yemen(+967) | $0.30 |
Zambia(+260) | $0.60 |
Zimbabwe(+263) | $0.65 |
A connection fee of $0.40 applies.
Country | Rate per 60 secs |
Afghanistan (+93) | $7.68 |
Albania (+355) | $9.30 |
Algeria (+213) | $12.00 |
Andorra (+376) | $7.00 |
Angola (+244) | $12.00 |
Anguilla (+1-264) | $12.00 |
Antarctica (+672) | $30.00 |
Antigua (+1-268) | $6.60 |
Argentina (+54) | $6.00 |
Armenia (+374) | $6.60 |
Aruba (+297) | $6.60 |
Ascension (+247) | $16.65 |
Austria (+43) | $5.00 |
Azerbaijan (+994) | $6.60 |
Bahamas (+1-242) | $6.60 |
Bahrain (+973) | $6.60 |
Bangladesh (+880) | $4.50 |
Barbados (+1-246) | $6.60 |
Belarus (+375) | $9.78 |
Belgium (+32) | $7.00 |
Belize (+501) | $6.60 |
Benin (+229) | $9.00 |
Bermuda (+1-441) | $6.60 |
Bhutan (+975) | $6.60 |
Bolivia (+591) | $6.60 |
Bosnia Herzegovina (+387) | $8.25 |
Botswana (+267) | $8.43 |
Brazil (+55) | $6.00 |
Brunei (+673) | $4.80 |
Bulgaria (+359) | $12.00 |
Burkina Faso (+226) | $6.60 |
Burundi (+257) | $6.60 |
Cambodia (+855) | $6.60 |
Cameroon (+237) | $12.00 |
Canada (+1) | $3.40 |
Cape Verde (+238) | $8.25 |
Cayman Islands (+1-345) | $6.60 |
Central African Republic (+236) | $12.00 |
Chad (+235) | $12.00 |
Chile (+56) | $6.60 |
China (+86) | $3.40 |
Christmas Island (+61) | N/A |
Cocos Island (+891) | N/A |
Colombia (+57) | $6.60 |
Comoro Islands (+269) | $12.00 |
Congo Republic (+242) | $12.00 |
Cook Islands (+682) | $17.00 |
Costa Rica (+506) | $6.60 |
Croatia (+385) | $6.60 |
Cuba (+53) | $25.00 |
Curacao (+599) | $8.80 |
Cyprus (+357) | $5.75 |
Czechia (+420) | $7.00 |
Denmark (+45) | $4.50 |
Diego Garcia (+246) | $30.00 |
Djibouti (+253) | $12.75 |
Dominian Islands (+1-767) | $12.50 |
Dominican Republic (+1-809, +1-829, +1-849) | $4.50 |
East Timor (+670) | $18.00 |
Ecuador (+593) | $6.60 |
Egypt (+20) | $6.84 |
El Salvador (+503) | $6.60 |
Equatorial Guinea (+240) | $12.00 |
Eritrea (+291) | $12.00 |
Estonia (+372) | $11.25 |
Ethiopia (+251) | $12.00 |
Faroe Islands (+298) | $7.05 |
Falkland Islands (+500) | $12.00 |
Fiji (+679) | $6.00 |
Finland (+358) | $4.80 |
France (+33) | $3.40 |
French Guiana (+594) | $12.00 |
French Polynesia (+689) | $7.00 |
Gabon (+241) | $7.68 |
Gambia (+220) | $12.15 |
Georgia (+995) | $6.60 |
Germany (+49) | $4.00 |
Ghana (+233) | $6.60 |
Gibraltar (+350) | $12.00 |
Greece (+30) | $5.00 |
Greenland (+299) | $16.00 |
Grenada (+1-473) | $7.80 |
Guadeloupe (+590) | $8.00 |
Guam (+1-671) | $4.80 |
Guantanamo (+5399) | $12.00 |
Guatemala (+502) | $6.60 |
Guinea Bissau (+245) | $15.00 |
Guinea Republic (+224) | $7.80 |
Guyana (+592) | $9.00 |
Haiti (+509) | $12.00 |
Hong Kong (+852) | $3.40 |
Honduras (+504) | $12.00 |
Hungary (+36) | $4.50 |
Iceland (+354) | $7.50 |
India (+91) | $4.00 |
Indonesia (+62) | $3.40 |
Iran (+98) | $6.60 |
Iraq (+964) | $6.60 |
Ireland (+353) | $3.40 |
Israel (+972) | $4.20 |
Italy (+39) | $6.00 |
Ivory Coast (+225) | $6.60 |
Jamaica (+1-876) | $6.90 |
Japan (+81) | $4.00 |
Jordan (+962) | $6.60 |
Kazakhstan (+7) | $6.60 |
Kenya (+254) | $6.60 |
Kiribati (+686) | $15.00 |
Korea, PDR (++850) | $14.00 |
Korea, South (+82) | $5.00 |
Kuwait (+965) | $6.60 |
Kyrgyzstan (+996) | $6.60 |
Laos (+856) | $6.60 |
Latvia(+371) | $7.50 |
Lebanon (+961) | $4.50 |
Lesotho (+266) | $7.35 |
Liberia (+231) | $12.00 |
Libya (+218) | $12.00 |
Lithuania (+370) | $6.60 |
Luxembourg (+352) | $5.00 |
Macau (+253) | $6.60 |
Macedonia (+389) | $6.00 |
Madagascar (+261) | $12.00 |
Malawi (+265) | $6.60 |
Malaysia (+60) | $3.40 |
Maldives Islands (+960) | $7.68 |
Mali (+223) | $7.68 |
Malta (+356) | $4.50 |
Mariana Islands (+1) | $6.60 |
Marshall Islands (+692) | $9.00 |
Martinique (+596) | $12.00 |
Mauritania (+222) | $6.60 |
Mauritius (+230) | $6.60 |
Mayotte (+262) | $12.00 |
Mexico (+52) | $7.00 |
Micronesia (+691) | $8.25 |
Moldova (+373) | $6.60 |
Monaco (+377) | $9.00 |
Mongolia (+979) | $12.00 |
Montserrat (+1-664) | $6.60 |
Morocco (+212) | $12.00 |
Mozambique (+258) | $12.00 |
Myanmar (+95) | $13.80 |
Namibia (+264) | $7.80 |
Nauru (+674) | $30.00 |
Nepal (+977) | $5.00 |
Netherlands (+31) | $6.60 |
Netherlands Antilles (+599) | $6.60 |
New Caledonia (+687) | $5.50 |
New Zealand (+64) | $4.00 |
Nicaragua (+505) | $6.75 |
Niger (+227) | $7.68 |
Nigeria (+234) | $6.60 |
Niue Island (+683) | $15.00 |
Norfolk Island (+672) | $25.00 |
Norway (+47) | $4.50 |
Oman (+968) | $6.00 |
Pakistan (+92) | $6.00 |
Palau (+680) | $12.00 |
Palestine (+970) | $6.80 |
Panama (+507) | $6.60 |
Papua New Guinea (+675) | $12.00 |
Paraguay (+595) | $6.60 |
Peru (+51) | $6.75 |
Philippines (+63) | $3.40 |
Poland (+48) | $5.00 |
Portugal (+351) | $9.00 |
Puerto Rico (+1-787, 1-939) | $3.40 |
Qatar (+974) | $6.60 |
Reunion (+262) | $12.00 |
Romania (+40) | $6.00 |
Russia (+7) | $5.00 |
Rwanda (+250) | $6.60 |
San Marino (+378) | $11.00 |
Saudi Arabia (+966) | $5.00 |
Senegal (+221) | $12.00 |
Serbia & Montenegro (+381) | $6.60 |
Seychelles (+248) | $6.60 |
Singapore (+65) | $3.40 |
Slovak Republic (+421) | $5.00 |
Slovenia (+386) | $10.00 |
Solomon Islands (+677) | $24.00 |
Somalia (+252) | $13.00 |
South Sudan (+211) | $6.60 |
Spain (+34) | $4.50 |
Sri Lanka (+94) | $4.50 |
St Helena (+290) | $20.00 |
St Kitt & Nevis (+1-869) | $9.75 |
St Lucia (+1-758) | $7.80 |
St Pierre/Miquelon (+508) | $12.00 |
St Vincent & Grenadines (+1-784) | $6.60 |
Sao Tome & Principe (+239) | $19.80 |
Sierra Leone (+232) | $13.80 |
South Africa (+27) | $3.00 |
Sudan (+211) | $6.60 |
Surinam (+597) | $7.35 |
Swaziland (+268) | $6.60 |
Sweden (+46) | $5.00 |
Switzerland (+41) | $6.00 |
Syria (+963) | $6.60 |
Taiwan (+886) | $3.40 |
Tajikistan (+992) | $5.40 |
Tanzania (+255) | $8.40 |
Thailand (+66) | $3.40 |
Togolese Rep (+228) | $13.80 |
Tokelau (+690) | $12.00 |
Tonga (+676) | $9.00 |
Trinidad & Tobago (+1-868) | $6.60 |
Tunisia (+216) | $12.00 |
Türkiye (+90) | $5.00 |
Turkmenistan (+993) | $6.60 |
Turks & Caicos Islands (+1-649) | $6.60 |
Tuvalu (+688) | $15.00 |
Uganda (+256) | $6.60 |
UK (+44) | $3.40 |
Ukraine (+380) | $6.60 |
United Arab Emirates (+971) | $6.84 |
Uruguay (+598) | $6.00 |
US Samoa (+1) | $4.80 |
USA (+1) | $3.40 |
Uzbekistan (+998) | $6.60 |
Vanuatu (+678) | $12.00 |
Vatican City (+379) | $4.00 |
Venezuela (+58) | $5.40 |
Vietnam (+84) | $4.00 |
Virgin Islands (British) (+1) | $6.60 |
Virgin Islands (US) (+1) | $2.70 |
Wallis & Funtuna Islands (+681) | $30.00 |
Western Samoa (+685) | $8.00 |
Yemen Arab Rep (+967) | $6.60 |
Zaire (+243) | $4.50 |
Zambia (+260) | $6.60 |
Zimbabwe (+263) | $12.00 |
A connection fee of $0.35 applies.
Country | Rate per 30 secs |
Afghanistan (+93) | $1.50 |
Albania (+355) | $2.20 |
Algeria (+213) | $1.50 |
Andorra (+376) | $0.80 |
Angola (+244) | $1.50 |
Anguilla (+1-264) | $1.50 |
Antarctica (+672) | $0.80 |
Antigua (+1-268) | $1.50 |
Argentina (+54) | $1.50 |
Armenia (+374) | $1.50 |
Aruba (+297) | $1.50 |
Ascension (+247) | $2.20 |
Austria (+43) | $0.80 |
Azerbaijan (+994) | $1.50 |
Bahamas (+1-242) | $1.50 |
Bahrain (+973) | $1.50 |
Bangladesh (+880) | $1.50 |
Barbados (+1-246) | $2.20 |
Belarus (+375) | $1.50 |
Belgium (+32) | $0.80 |
Belize (+501) | $1.50 |
Benin (+229) | $2.20 |
Bermuda (+1-441) | $1.50 |
Bhutan (+975) | $1.50 |
Bolivia (+591) | $2.20 |
Bosnia Herzegovina (+387) | $1.50 |
Botswana (+267) | $1.50 |
Brazil (+55) | $1.50 |
Brunei (+673) | $0.80 |
Bulgaria (+359) | $1.50 |
Burkina Faso (+226) | $2.20 |
Burundi (+257) | $2.20 |
Cambodia (+855) | $1.50 |
Cameroon (+237) | $1.50 |
Canada (+1) | $0.80 |
Cape Verde (+238) | $2.20 |
Cayman Islands (+1-345) | $1.50 |
Central African Republic (+236) | $1.50 |
Chad (+235) | $1.50 |
Chile (+56) | $1.50 |
China (+86) | $1.50 |
Christmas Islands (+61) | N/A |
Cocos Island (+891) | N/A |
Colombia (+57) | $2.20 |
Comoro Islands (+269) | $1.50 |
Congo Republic (+242) | $1.50 |
Cook Islands (+682) | $1.50 |
Costa Rica (+506) | $2.20 |
Croatia (+385) | $1.50 |
Cuba (+53) | $2.20 |
Cyprus (+357) | $1.50 |
Czechia (+420) | $1.50 |
Denmark (+45) | $0.80 |
Diego Garcia (+246) | $2.20 |
Djibouti (+253) | $1.50 |
Dominica (+1-767) | $2.20 |
Dominican Republic (+1-809, +1-829, +1-849) | $1.50 |
East Timor (+670) | $2.20 |
Ecuador (+593) | $2.20 |
Egypt (+20) | $1.50 |
El Salvador (+503) | $2.20 |
Equatorial Guinea (+240) | $1.50 |
Eritrea (+291) | $1.50 |
Estonia (+372) | $1.50 |
Ethiopia (+251) | $1.50 |
Faeroe Islands (+298) | $1.50 |
Falkland Islands (+500) | $1.50 |
Fiji (+679) | $0.80 |
Finland (+358) | $0.80 |
France (+33) | $0.80 |
French Guiana (+594) | $1.50 |
French Polynesia (+689) | $0.80 |
Gabon (+241) | $2.20 |
Gambia (+220) | $2.20 |
Georgia (+995) | $1.50 |
Germany (+49) | $0.80 |
Ghana (+233) | $2.20 |
Gibraltar (+350) | $1.50 |
Greece (+30) | $1.50 |
Greenland (+299) | $1.50 |
Grenada (+1-473) | $1.50 |
Guadeloupe (+590) | $1.50 |
Guam (+1-671) | $0.80 |
Guantanamo (+5399) | $1.50 |
Guatemala (+502) | $2.20 |
Guinea Bissau (+245) | $2.20 |
Guinea Republic (+224) | $2.20 |
Guyana (+592) | $1.50 |
Haiti (+509) | $1.50 |
Hong Kong (+852) | $0.80 |
Honduras (+504) | $1.50 |
Hungary (+36) | $1.50 |
Iceland (+354) | $2.20 |
India (+91) | $1.50 |
Indonesia (+62) | $0.80 |
Iran (+98) | $1.50 |
Iraq (+964) | $1.50 |
Ireland (+353) | $0.80 |
Israel (+972) | $1.50 |
Italy (+39) | $1.50 |
Ivory Coast (+225) | $2.20 |
Jamaica (+1-876) | $1.50 |
Japan (+81) | $0.80 |
Jordan (+962) | $1.50 |
Kazakhstan (+7) | $1.50 |
Kenya (+254) | $1.50 |
Kiribati (+686) | $1.50 |
Korea, PDR (+850) | $2.20 |
Korea, South (+82) | $1.50 |
Kuwait (+965) | $1.50 |
Kyrgyzstan (+996) | $1.50 |
Laos (+856) | $1.50 |
Latvia (+371) | $1.50 |
Lebanon (+961) | $1.50 |
Lesotho (+266) | $2.20 |
Liberia (+231) | $1.50 |
Libya (+218) | $1.50 |
Liechtenstein (+423) | $1.50 |
Lithuania (+370) | $1.50 |
Luxembourg (+352) | $1.50 |
Macau (+853) | $1.50 |
Macedonia (+389) | $1.50 |
Madagascar (+261) | $1.50 |
Malawi (+265) | $2.20 |
Malaysia (+60) | $0.80 |
Maldives Islands (+960) | $2.20 |
Mali (+223) | $2.20 |
Malta (+356) | $0.80 |
Mariana Islands (+1) | $1.50 |
Marshall Islands (+692) | $1.50 |
Martinique (+596) | $1.50 |
Mauritania (+222) | $2.20 |
Mauritius (+230) | $1.50 |
Mayotte (+262) | $1.50 |
Mexico (+52) | $1.50 |
Micronesia (+691) | $1.50 |
Moldova (+373) | $1.50 |
Monaco (+377) | $0.80 |
Mongolia (+976) | $1.50 |
Montserrat (+1-664) | $2.20 |
Morocco (+212) | $1.50 |
Mozambique (+258) | $1.50 |
Myanmar (+95) | $1.50 |
Namibia (+264) | $1.50 |
Nauru (+674) | $2.20 |
Nepal (+977) | $1.50 |
Netherlands (+31) | $0.80 |
Netherlands Antilles (+599) | $1.50 |
New Caledonia (+687) | $0.80 |
New Zealand (+64) | $0.80 |
Nicaragua (+505) | $1.50 |
Niger (+227) | $1.50 |
Nigeria (+234) | $1.50 |
Niue Island (+683) | $1.50 |
Norfolk Island (+672) | $0.80 |
Norway (+47) | $0.80 |
Oman (+968) | $0.80 |
Pakistan (+92) | $2.20 |
Palau (+680) | $1.50 |
Palestine Authority (+970) | $1.50 |
Panama (+507) | $1.50 |
Papua New Guinea (+675) | $1.50 |
Paraguay (+595) | $1.50 |
Peru (+51) | $1.50 |
Philippines (+63) | $0.80 |
Poland (+48) | $1.50 |
Portugal (+351) | $1.50 |
Puerto Rico (+1-787, +1-939) | $0.80 |
Qatar (+974) | $2.20 |
Reunion (+262) | $1.50 |
Romania (+40) | $1.50 |
Russia (+7) | $1.50 |
Rwanda (+250) | $1.50 |
San Marino (+378) | N/A |
Sao Tome & Principe (+239) | N/A |
Saudi Arabia (+966) | $1.50 |
Senegal (+221) | $1.50 |
Serbia & Montenegro (+381) | $1.50 |
Seychelles (+248) | $2.20 |
Sierra Leone (+232) | N/A |
Singapore (+65) | $0.80 |
Slovak Republic (+421) | $1.50 |
Slovenia (+386) | $1.50 |
Solomon Islands (+677) | $1.50 |
Somalia (+252) | $1.50 |
South Sudan (+211) | $1.50 |
Spain (+34) | $1.50 |
Sri Lanka (+94) | $0.80 |
St Helena (+290) | $1.50 |
St Kitts & Nevis (+1-869) | $1.50 |
St Lucia (+1-758) | $1.50 |
St Pierre/Miquelon (+508) | $1.50 |
St Vincent & Grenadines (+1-784) | $1.50 |
South Africa (+27) | $0.80 |
Sudan (+211) | $1.50 |
Surinam (+597) | $1.50 |
Swaziland (+268) | $2.20 |
Sweden (+46) | $0.80 |
Switzerland (+41) | $0.80 |
Syria (+963) | $2.20 |
Taiwan (+886) | $0.80 |
Tanzania (+255) | $1.50 |
Thailand (+66) | $0.80 |
Togo (+228) | $1.50 |
Tokelau (+690) | $1.50 |
Tonga (+676) | $0.80 |
Trinidad & Tobago (+1-868) | $2.20 |
Tunisia (+216) | $1.50 |
Türkiye (+90) | $1.50 |
Turkmenistan (+993) | $1.50 |
Turks & Caicos Islands (+1-649) | $2.20 |
Tuvalu (+688) | $1.50 |
Uganda (+256) | $2.20 |
UK (+44) | $0.80 |
Ukraine (+380) | $1.50 |
United Arab Emirates (+971) | $1.50 |
Uruguay (+598) | $1.50 |
US Samoa (+1) | $0.80 |
USA (+1) | $0.80 |
Uzbekistan (+998) | $1.50 |
Vanuatu (+678) | $0.80 |
Vatican City (+379) | $1.50 |
Venezuela (+58) | $0.80 |
Vietnam (+84) | $1.50 |
Virgin Island (British) (+1) | $2.20 |
Virgin Island (US) (+1) | $0.80 |
Wallis & Funtuna Islands (+681) | $2.20 |
Western Samoa (+685) | $0.80 |
Yemen Arab Rep (+967) | $1.50 |
Yemen PDR (+969) | $1.50 |
Zaire (+243) | $1.50 |
Zambia (+260) | $1.50 |
Zimbabwe (+263) | $1.50 |
International video call rates are charged at up to 1.5 times the standard international voice call rate.